Friday, August 21, 2015

Steal of a Deal!

Yesterday my grandma, my mom, and I had a fun little outing to a few stores. We are major bargain hunters! Well, our first steal of a deal was at Wal-Mart. Have you ever seen those Zip-it pencil pouches(they unzip into one long zipper)? They are usually around $6 for one. I personally don't like to pay that price for a pencil pouch. When we went to look around, we spotted the Zip-its on sale for $1!! Needless to say, we bought some. I got a leopard print one for my binder.

The next steal of a deal I found was at Goodwill. Crocheters and knitters will appreciate this one. I found not one, not two, but FOUR balls of sock yarn from Hobby Lobby at Goodwill. The balls are originally priced at or around $6 a piece at Hobby Lobby. Goodwill had the sock yarn marked at $2 a piece! I bought all four. I mean, how could I resist?

Sunday, August 16, 2015

A great big hello to you!

Welcome everyone to my new and coming blog. Wherever the Whim Blows will feature all the whims of a crazy housewife. You will be taken to a crafty world full of crochet, knit, sewing, paper crafts, and beyond. Along the path I will share poetry and Biblical scripture. I will also share my experience on a few cash earning sites I participate in(and have gotten paid!). Video game adventures will also sneak their way into the mix. In the future there will be book reviews as well for you to check out. So come join me on my epic journey and see what I might get into next. Fun awaits!